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The Christmas Dinner Dance

As I write this we have just had our ever popular MG Club Christmas Dinner on Sunday the 9th December, this was a popular event as we had over 50 attendees.

Is Santa sitting on Ray Rickaby’s knee whilst giving his wife Judith her gift?

After the meal we had a visit from an avid club follower wearing his winter suit of red, Santa Claus arrived with his helper ‘lil elf’ to give out presents to the ladies.

After giving out the presents and after wishing everyone a Merry Christmas Santa had to leave as it was his very busy time of the year.

Derek May organised a free prize raffle with lots of excellent prizes including many seasonal ones, (bottles of wine, chocolates and biscuits etc.). Thanks to everyone for organising such a good selection of prizes. We were fortunate to have live music again from club member Dave Stones who came along with his band ‘Buddy Silver and the Reverbz’ and we were treated to an excellent selection of 50’s,60’s and 70’s music that had us all singing along, and we danced late into the night. Many members opted to stay over at Lumley Castle where we had a very reasonable club room rate.

This was our second Christmas dinner dance at the golf club and the general consensus was that is an excellent venue with superb menu making for a great Christmas party.

Mike Forbes

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