Ryhope End of Season Show
I think that the weather forecast must have put off a lot of people from taking their cars to RyhopeEmgines Museum for the End of Season Show. It was supposed to be cold and raining all day but when I got up it was blue skies and sunshine so I took the TF, with it's recently fitted hardtop, and went for a look. There were a few club members at the show and some had even taken their MG's. I met Bob Luke and we had a leisurely stroll around before stopping for a warm up, a cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich.

Bob Luke took his very smart MGB
The numbers were down on previous EoS shows but still enough to be interesting. It was good to catch up with a Durham Club founder member Stuart Keeys and MGCC chairman Noel Lindford.

Ian and Kath Tunnicliffe brought their other car
After much walking and talking we met up with Jim Goldsmith and went for another warm up and reviving cup of coffee.
As can be seen from the pictures, it was mostly a bright and sunny day although it was very cold. The rain started about 2pm and many took that as a sign that it was time to leave (me included).
It was an enjoyable day despite the weather and good that so many turned up, it could have been a washout for the Sunderland and District Classic Vehicle Society.