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The Tom Hall Memorial Run

17 cars turned up at Bowburn Services for the start of the Memorial Run, this was an all new route devised by Dave Sandersfield and Tony Quinn. The cars left Bowburn and headed towards Ferryhill and Crook after an interesting run through a very picturesque Hamsterly Forest on the forest drive we eventually arrived at the lunch stop in Aldborough St John and the Stanwick Arms for their very tasty Sunday Carvery.

After the meal, Derek May presented the Tom Hall Trophy to winner, Ed Harvey and a special award to Gwen Hall for her part in instigating the charity run in memory of her husband Tom.

The afternoon return run went via Barnard Castle and West Aukland to finish at Locomotion in Shildon for afternoon tea which was a bargain £3 for a tea/coffee and a cake (special price for after 3pm). We charge an entry fee of £5/car for the run and all the proceeds are donated to charity. The club rounded up the total funds collected to £150 and split it equally between Macmillan Nurses, Daft as a Brush and Air Ambulance charities. Many thanks to Dave and Tony for organising it and yourselves for supporting it.

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