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Highlights of 2016

We had a very good year in 2016, we have tried to include other clubs as ofter aw we could joining in with South Yorkshire, Tees Valley and Northumbria MG Club's events.

In January we had our ever popular run on a route devised by Reg Barrett down to Whitby for Fish and Chips, many members opted to take their every day cars and leave the MG's at home.

February saw us at the Bowes Museum for an early season car show organised by Stuart McNulty, the weather was bright and sunny but a little chilly, this was eased somewhat by the nominal change covering access to the Museum and included a scone and coffee in the afternoon.

In April we had an interesting Bobby Shafto Run when a couple of days before the event we found out that part of the route would be closed off due to a cycle race taking part over some of the roads that we planned to use. Midnight oil was burnt in creating new route books to avoid they cycle race and all went off well in the end.

Our car show in May at the Riverside Park in Chester le Street was also well attended with nearly 200 vehicles turning up. We used this venue as Houghall College was undergoing major building work. Bob Luke did an amazing job jumping through the hoops that the County Durham Safety Advisor Group put in our way, thanks to Bob it should be easier this year.

One of the highlights form we was the trip in June to the Isle of Man, we had good weather and very good company with the South Yorkshire club. It was their event but in the end we outnumbered them. It was also good to meet up with the Isle of Man MG Club and they organised a run for us over some very interesting roads that we would never have found, culminating in a lovely afternoon tea at a local hostelry.

If this years event in June to Llandudno is half as good it will be an excellent trip, so if you would like to go on June 18th for 5 days be sure to let Dave Sandersfield know as soon as possible.

In September we had another new event that was very successful and will be repeated this year. This was the Nent Hall weekend where we took over the whole of the Nent Hall Hotel. The event was managed by Steve Overall and Reg Barrett and included a couple of excellent and very interesting runs in the Lake District including a visit to the Lakeland Motor Museum in Ulverston.

These are just a small part of our very varied events calendar with a lot of the days organised by members so if you would like the club to do something new, let us know, tell one of the committee members or better still come along to a committee meeting on the first Monday of the month The Bowburn Hall Hotel. We are always on the lookout for new ideas and will help you if you would like to organise and event. Remember, it is your club, we try and meet the needs of the members, it is all about enjoying yourselves, let's have a very enjoyable 2017.

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